Monday, January 4, 2021

The Monday After the Sunday Before: Canceling Live Worship

January 4, 2021

Dear Church Family and Friends,

Even after almost twenty years of service to this church, new things continue to happen.  This past Sunday, in a perfect storm of cold and alternating freezing rain and rain, we called off church in the sanctuary literally in the last hour.  It was a combination of two considerations.  The first was providing for safe access into the church in the frozen mess coming down, and the second was the consideration of how much worse it could be by the time church was dismissed.

                In years gone by, calling it that late in the game would have been well nigh unthinkable.  Waving people away from church as they drove up…that is unprecedented in my experience.  To gather the faithful who have come out and then trust in the Lord to get them home safe would have been the game plan.  But against the pandemic of COVID and the preciousness of life against a disease that maxing out our hospital capacities, there is trusting the Lord to protect us and there is tempting the Lord to adjust the odds so they may be in our favor.

                Weather permitting, we are going to celebrate Communion together in the sanctuary this coming Sunday, January 10, 2021.  The remote service is not going to include the liturgy of the Lord’s Supper because that was made available for this past Sunday.  The ‘regular’ liturgy will be shared instead online. 

                As it turned out, from feedback I received from those who’d driven home safely, it looked like a good call on our part to pass the Sanctuary service by.  Prayers went out to those who were in accidents and those who found themselves in close calls.  If the weather had warmed so that everything turned to rain, the feedback might be different. 

I found myself wondering why we did not have a formal protocol set in place for the ‘last minute’ scenario.  We do have a process for calling church ahead of time, in case of a State-wide emergency or other conditions that warrant safety for our membership, but that presumes 12-24 hours lead time.  It was a matter of sending out a text to as many folks as I could and be present for the rest.  Well, hey, looks like we just wrote a formal protocol…     

                It is a hard call to cancel because worship is the center of our church life.  Praising the God who sent us, who came to us as our Messiah, as our Lord Jesus Christ, thanking the God who sent us, who came to be Jesus indwelling us as the Holy Spirit, honoring the God of Creation who has saved us from our sins and made us, by divine mercy, to be worthy of heaven; that is not something to be surrendered lightly. 

The remote service was available and I hope people were able to use it for their own times of worship and praise to our God.  It was dropped for Sunday instead of ahead of time so that we that the opportunity to participate would begin for us all at the same time.  But we shall live and learn.

                May the Lord keep us safe and may we add to our prayers the safety of our presence to worship the Lord through the season of winter and through the pandemic.


Pastor Peter

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