Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Readings for the Week of April 2, 2017

The readings for this week carry on from the story of Abigail and David to the conclusion of 1 Samuel.  1 Samuel was the story of the rise and fall of Saul integrated with the rise of David.  It concludes with the death of Saul and his sons, the end of his dynasty.  The book of 2 Samuel will chronicle David’s rise to power. 

Sun., Apr. 2: 1 Samuel 25

Mon., Apr. 3: 1 Samuel 26

Tue., Apr. 4: 1 Samuel 27

Wed., Apr. 5: 1 Samuel 28

Thu., Apr. 6: 1 Samuel 29

Fri., Apr. 7: 1 Samuel 30

Sat., Apr. 8: 1 Samuel 31

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Readings for the Week of March 26, 2017

This story is told once and referenced once in the bible.  It is told in Judges and referenced in Hebrews 11, where Barak is in a group of ‘heroes of the faith’, but Deborah is not mentioned.  That is a very interesting consideration. The first interpretation is that the writer does not like women, but Rahab is singled out in the verse before.  But consider the list, not singled out for particular faithfulness: Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, David and Samuel.  So we will look at pieces of their stories.  God did not pick them because of their faith, but despite their human weakness.  Deborah was chosen for her faith and stands above this list.

Sun., Mar. 26: Judges 4-The narrative story of Deborah is told in this passage.  Take note again of Barak’s need of Deborah to believe.  

Mon., Mar. 27: Judges 5-A song of Deborah is told, essentially the same story. Biblical scholars believe that the ‘song’ versions of the text are the bases for the prose versions of the passages.

Tue., Mar. 28: Hebrews 11-The writer looks back to the Old Testament for heroes of faith.  What is interesting is, in verse 32, Barak is mentioned, but NOT Deborah.

Wed., Mar. 29: Judges 6: 11-27 Gideon-look how he tested God before he was ‘faithful’.   

Thu., Mar. 30: Judges 11 Jephthah-resorted to human sacrifice to appease God.

Fri., Mar. 31: Judges 16 Samson-God’s ‘superman’, visiting Delilah, a prostitute, who, even in death, in his ONLY prayer, asked for vengeance. 

Sat., Apr. 1: 2 Samuel 11 David-Israel’s greatest king is an adulterer, liar, and a murderer.

The one person from the list not listed for a daily reading is Samuel.  Consider 1 Samuel 8:1-3.  When Samuel because old, he made his sons judges over Israel.  The name of his firstborn son was Joel, and the name of the second, Abijah; they were judges in Beersheba.  Yet his sons did not follow in his (Samuel’s) ways, but turned aside after gain; they took bribes and perverted justice.”  Good judge, questionable father, he obeyed God in the anointing of kings, but not in the appointment of judges.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Readings for the Week of March 19, 2017

This week, we shall be reading the book of Esther.  It is an interesting story drawn from the history of Israel.  It shows God’s faithfulness expressed through his people, yet, interestingly enough, God’s name does not directly appear in the text.  It is a story, one among many in the history of God’s people, where their destruction is being planned yet again.

Sun., Mar. 19: Esther 1 & 2  These are drawn from Sunday’s worship.

Mon., Mar. 20: Esther 3

Tue., Mar. 21: Esther 4

Wed., Mar 22: Esther 5 & 6

Thu., Mar. 23: Esther 7

Fri., Mar 24: Esther 8

Sat., Mar. 25: Esther 9 & 10

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Readings for the week of March 12, 2017

The Israelites conquered the Promised Land as recorded in the book of Joshua.  Our story from Rahab was part of that history.  Today, we read the story of Hannah.  Once the Israelites were settled, they were initially led by ‘judges’, military and judicial leaders who rose up regionally to deal with invasions or other matters of importance.  Samuel, whose mother is Hannah, is the transitional judge before the kingdom was established.  Our readings in 1 Samuel detail his origin, his life, and judgeship.

Sun., Mar. 12-1 Samuel 1

Mon., Mar. 13-1 Samuel 2

Tue., Mar. 14-1 Samuel 3

Wed., Mar. 15-1 Samuel 4

Thu., Mar. 16-1 Samuel 5

Fri., Mar. 17-1 Samuel 6

Sat., Mar. 18-1 Samuel 7

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Readings for the Week of March 5, 2017

Memory Verse: Matthew 5:3

The Lenten Sermons are going to be on the Beatitudes, the opening to Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, illustrated with stories of women in the bible whose lives demonstrate the Beatitude in question.  This week, we open the book of Joshua (we read a more extended portion of Joshua a couple of weeks back) to set the context of Rahab’s story.  The rest of the week sets the context of and covers the extent of the entire Sermon on the Mount.

Sun., Mar. 5: Joshua 2: 1-24; 6: 22-25

Mon., Mar. 6: Joshua 1

Tue., Mar. 7: Joshua 2

Wed., Mar. 8: Matthew 4

Thu., Mar. 9: Matthew 5

Fri., Mar. 10: Matthew 6

Sat., Mar. 11: Matthew 7