Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Catechism from March 31, 2019


Why does worship start with a Prelude?
The prelude is music to aid in the transition from the world outside to the community at worship.  As people come into church, the music is designed to be relatively soft, deliberately calming.  Dead silence causes tension, as people try not to break the silence with the sounds of taking off coats, preparing the program, getting settled, greeting friends.  The music provides cover for the sounds of transition and sets the tone for what is to come.

Why is there the ringing of the Church Bell?
It is an announcement to the world that we are gathered to worship the Lord. It serves as a signal to the community around us that worship is about to begin, and is a final invitation to come and join us.  For the people inside, it marks the opening of the service. 

What is the Call to Worship?
The call is the official transition into ‘sacred’ or ‘worship’ time.  It begins with a call and response, reminding the community of the power of God in our lives in thanksgiving, in joy, in outreach, in adulation.  This call is drawn from the Scripture to be shared during the service to help set the tone and tie the service together.  The call ends with the united declaration of our intent, “Let us worship the Living God.”

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