Tuesday, July 17, 2012

210th Anniversary

I know it is peering into the future, but much is coming together at First Church this fall.  One thing we are celebrating is our 210th anniversary.  Please mark Sunday, October 21 on your calendars for this wonderful day.  The celebration will follow the morning worship service that day.  Stay tuned for more details as to the program and the event.

If anyone would like to participate in the planning and carrying out of this special celebration, contact Fran at the office, either by phone or office@fpcperthamboy.org and she will put you in touch with the team that is organizing the event.

I came to this church on the eve of its 200th celebration.  The motto of that milestone was "Looking Forward to the Next 200".  Well, we have 190 years left to go.

Seriously, what a momentous occasion, celebrating 210 years in the same location!  We have a grand history to be very, very proud of.  In the last ten years, we have continued to build an incredible community right here.  In the next program year, we are going to see how we can take that community building to the next level.  How do we reach out more effectively to our community?  How do we take seriously the often repeated desire that we wish to attract young people and young families to our church?  How are we going to implement reach transformation in the life of our church?  How are we going to be relevant in the neighborhood where we are called to minister?

Are those too many questions for one church at one time?  All flow out of one desire, that our church lives as a Neighborhood in the Kingdom of God.

Blessings Neighbors...

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