Saturday, November 5, 2011

From the May, 2011 Herald: Our Anchor Statements

Dear Friends,


What anchors our work as a church? What do we value? What things define our congregation as we seek to grow and reach out into the community that surrounds us? If our what we intend to do is defined by our purpose, what defines the means by which we accomplish those ends?


In keeping with the theme of our Purpose, our Three Ships, we are going to define these as our Anchors, values that anchor our work as the church of Jesus.


That are that each member of the church shall . . .

  1. Take time for your neighbor, so you may grow closer to them.
  2. Take time to pray for your neighbor, that you may surround them in God's love.
  3. Take time to know your neighbor so you may create community.
  4. Take time to serve your neighbor so you may be Jesus' minister.
  5. Take time to share your faith with your neighbor so you see belief grow.



Step One: TAKE TIME.


Our Anchors are set up in the structure of the Great Commandment: Love God with heart, soul, body, and mind. Love your neighbor as yourself.


Each Anchor is built around the assumption that we love God. If we did not, why would we do this?


Then, each Anchor explicitly lays out our work in relation to our neighbor.


Step one is to take time for our neighbor. If we want to get theological, we might call it "intentional ministry" or "deliberate outreach". Those are fine terms where they are used, but they don't describe us.


Ours is a community in action, taking a message of hope and service into the world. Our values, our anchors, reflect that.


This is how we will accomplish our purpose of Worship, Discipleship, and Apostleship. I am your servant,

In Christ,

Rev. Peter Hofstra



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